Rio Elite Indicator

18.696 kr.

Indicator línan er sérhönnuð til að velta yfir þungum flugum og tökuvörum. Línan svarar vel þegar henni er mendað í straumvatni og stjórnarst auðveldlega á dauðareki. Flotlína með teygjulausum kjarna.


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  • Þessi vara er væntanleg í nýja netverslun Veiðihornsins. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar hjá okkur í síma 568 8410.
SKU: 6-1956 Flokkar: , , Tag:

Designed to turnover a wide range of indicators and fly sizes for long casts, efficient mends, and big dead drifts.

  • Perfect for wade fishing or anchored boat
  • Turns over big indicators and heavy flies
  • Low-stretch ConnectCore Plus for the best in casting control, performance and smoothness
  • Built with RIO’s exceptionally slick, durable SlickCast technology
  • EasyID on front taper for fast line recognition


Designed to turnover a wide range of indicators and fly sizes for long casts, efficient mends, and big dead drifts.

The Indicator line is designed for long casts and big dead drifts with indicator nymph rigs. Wading anglers and anglers fishing from an anchored boat can maximize their drift with this line by casting far upstream, mending as their rig drifts even with their position, then stack mending with ease as it travels far downstream. The long head allows for more efficient mending at distance while also helping stack mending techniques downstream, creating a seamless and longer natural drift. 30ft weights are roughly two AFFTA sizes heavy to make carrying and turnover of big indicators and heavy nymph rigs a breeze. Strike, Set, Game On.