Rio Elite Single Handed Spey

16.146 kr.18.696 kr.

Verðlaunalína. Okkar vinsælasta. Fáanleg sem flotlína og hægsökkvandi.

Þungi línunnar liggur aftarlega í hausnum sem grennist langt fram. Frábær lína í rúlluköst jafnt sem hefðbundin yfirhandarköst. Þungi línunnar hjálpar veiðimanni að ná góðum og löngum köstum en frammjókkandi hausinn leggst mjúklega á vatn og truflar ekki. Teygjulausi kjarninn auðveldar að þrengja línubuginn. Línan er tvílit sem hjálpar til við að meta hve langt er úti til þess að hlaða stöngina rétt í köstum.


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  • Þessi vara er væntanleg í nýja netverslun Veiðihornsins. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar hjá okkur í síma 568 8410.
SKU: 6-195-RESHS Flokkar: , , Tag:

The perfect line for roll and single handed Spey casts with low-stretch, ultra-slick performance

  • Incredibly easy roll and overhead casting line design
  • Thick Handling section lengthens out the head for stability and control
  • Low-stretch ConnectCore Plus for the best in performance and smoothness
  • Built with RIO’s exceptionally slick, durable SlickCast


The Perfect Line For Roll And Single Handed Spey Casts With Low-Stretch, Ultra-Slick Performance

The Single Handed Spey line has been designed to be a fantastic tool for anglers that prefer/need to perform roll and single-handed Spey casts. The rear weight distribution loads a rod deeply in the tightest of quarters, allowing anglers to make long, effortless casts with obstacles close behind. Though primarily designed for roll casting, this line also performs exceptionally easy overhead casts with incredibly smooth loop control. Each line is built on RIO’s low stretch ConnectCore Plus for maximum performance, and features SlickCast— the slickest, most durable coating on the market.

There are 2 different density lines to cover every fishing situation:

– A Full Floating line (F), for top water action

– A Floating Line with 10ft of Hover sinking line, then 10ft of Intermediate sinking line at the front (F/H/I), for fishing in the top 2-4 ft