The Clay Cannon is the first ever handheld clay pigeon launcher that
will throw a mix of clay pigeons at one time in almost any direction you
aim. It can handle multiple clays stacked/nested, or even 2 Midi or 2
Mini clay pigeons side-by-side. For the first time ever it is now as
much fun to throw clay pigeons as it is to shoot them. Weighing less
than 5lbs the Clay Cannon has unmatched maneuverability. It is simple to
use and provides hours of clay shooting entertainment.
DAO Clay Cannon
Original price was: 15.995 kr..9.597 kr.Current price is: 9.597 kr..
DOA Clay Cannon
Byltingarkenndur leirdúfukastari. Afar einfaldur og skemmtilegur í notkun. Clay Cannon skýtur einni eða tveimur dúfum í einu og ræður við standard, midi og mini leirdúfur.
ATH! Ekki má þurrskjóta Clay Cannon.