The Elite RIO Grand is a full line size heavier than the industry standard, and features more weight distributed towards the front of the line to easily load faster action fly rods, and is an excellent line choice for novice casters who need a little more „feel“ when casting.
This line is built with RIO’s low-stretch ConnectCore Plus, resulting in exceptionally smooth, durable fly lines, with the added benefits of incredible levels of sensitivity when casting and fishing, and providing enhanced detection of takes, faster hook sets, and far greater control when playing a fish. In addition, this line is built with SlickCast, RIO’s proprietary coating technology, creating the slickest, most durable fly lines on the market. Lab tests show that lines built with SlickCast have the least amount of friction ever measured in a fly line. The RIO Grand is the best choice of line for the modern, fast action fly rod.
The RIO Grand is the best choice of line for the modern, fast action fly rod.

Rio Elite Grand
21.995 kr.
Framþung flotlína. Rio Grand er nokkuð þyngri en hinn hefðbundni AFTMA kvarði segir til um. Rio Grand er hönnuð sérstaklega fyrir stífari eða hraðari stangir. Þyngdin liggur nokkuð framarlega í hausnum. Línan er frábær kastlína jafnt í styttri sem lengri köst. Góð alhliða flotlína fyrir hraðar stngir. Teygjulaus kjarni.
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