Rio Elite Perception

21.995 kr.

Fíngerð lína sem einkum er hugsuð til að kasta og leggja minniflugur á vatnsflöt, ekki síst litlar þurrflugur. Línan er með tiltölulega stuttum haus og góðri þyngdardreifingu svo auðvelt er að stjórna henni og hlaða hratt í næsta kast. Línan er þrílit til þess að hjálpa til við að meta fjarlægðir. Flotlína með teygjulausum kjarna.


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  • Þessi vara er væntanleg í nýja netverslun Veiðihornsins. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar hjá okkur í síma 568 8410.
SKU: 6-192-ERP Flokkar: , , Tag:

Easy casting all-around trout line, with low- stretch, ultra-slick performance.

  • Easy casting taper design for great all-around performance
  • Shorter head length for quick loading and ideal on smaller rivers and lakes
  • Low-stretch ConnectCore Plus for the best in casting control, performance and smoothness
  • Built with RIO’s exceptionally slick, durable SlickCast
  • Features RIO’s SureFire tricolored measuring system for increased accuracy and distance control


The RIO Perception is the best all-around fly line on smaller rivers and lakes.Easy casting all-around trout line, with low- stretch, ultra-slick performance.

The Elite RIO Perception is an easy casting, general purpose fly line that casts nymphs, dry flies, streamers and soft hackles with ease. The short head makes this a particularly good line on smaller rivers and lakes when long distance line control is not necessary.

This line is built with RIO’s low-stretch ConnectCore Plus, resulting in exceptionally smooth, durable fly lines, with the added benefits of incredible levels of sensitivity when casting and fishing, and providing enhanced detection of takes, faster hook sets, and far greater control when playing a fish. In addition, this line is built with SlickCast, RIO’s proprietary coating technology, creating the slickest, most durable fly lines on the market. Lab tests show that lines built with SlickCast have the least amount of friction ever measured in a fly line.