Sage Igniter

169.900 kr.

Sérlega falleg og vönduð stöng í sterkum álhólki með skrúfuðu loki.  Sage Igniter er handgerð á Bainbridge eyju fyrir utan Seattle í Bandaríkjunum.

„Við notum 9 feta Sage Igniter einhendur við veiðar á sterkustu og kröftugustu fiskum sem synda um heimsins höf.

Að okkar mati vinnur engin stöng eins vel á stórum fiskum og er um leið auðveld í notkun með stórum flugum sem kasta þarf upp í sterkan vind.“

María og Óli

49’0”78 g
59’0”82 g
69’0”84 g
69’1”86 g
69’7”89 g
79’0”96 g
710’0”110 g
89’0”106 g

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The most demanding conditions require a different kind of tool. Strong head wind? Fish at distance? Bulky rigs? Heavy sink-tips? The IGNITER is tuned to handle the most technical of conditions. Not a rod for the everyday angler, the IGNITER is equipped with a high line speed taper to carry large amounts of line at distance with wind cutting performance. Perfect for streamer fishing with heavy sink tips or covering big water when conditions turn south. If you bring the will, the IGNITER will supply the way.

  • KonneticHD Technology
  • Chipotle blank color
  • Cayenne primary thread wraps with Gunmetal trim wraps
  • Fuji ceramic stripper guides; Hard chromed snake guides and tip-top
  • Laser etched line weight on slide band
  • Black rod bag with Titanium logo and Chipotle model tag
  • Black powder coated aluminum rod tube with Sage Medallion
  • 4WT – 6WT
  • Flor grade snub-nose, half-wells cork handle
  • Cocobolo wood insert with Gunmetal anodized aluminum up-locking reel seat
  • 6WT – 10WT
  • Flor grade full-wells cork handle with EVA fighting butt
  • Gunmetal anodized aluminum up-locking reel seat
  • Integrated hidden hook keeper in reel seat


When the wind picks up and casting situations get technical, the IGNITER is the rod to reach for. Whether you’re on your favorite spring creek presenting tiny tricos to tricky trout with the 490-4, or punching streamers into a headwind probing for a lake dwelling lunker with the 7100-4, the powerful blank of the IGNITER will make sure your fly is delivered to the intended target appropriately.



Fast is the name of the game with the IGNITER. Aggressive from the tip to the butt, the IGNITER is designed to punch through even the stiffest cross-winds and deliver your fly in the most technical of conditions.


Built with maximum stability throughout the blank, the IGNITER allows the angler to go the distance and reach the furthest cruising fish, while still maintaining the utmost control and accuracy. A tricky Permit that won’t let you get within 50 feet is going to require a fly line with a long head for delicate presentation at distance. The powerful design of the IGNITER allows anglers to effectively carry that length of line to land that lead-eyed crab with delicacy at distance.



KonneticHD Technology is the next era in performance graphite rods. Optimizing our graphite-to-resin ratio, we have created a higher density (HD) fiber composite, resulting in lighter, stronger blanks which deliver unmatched recovery, energy transfer, and line/loop control. Building upon proprietary construction techniques developed for Konnetic Technology, KonneticHD gives us an elevated platform to achieve new levels in rod design.