Sage Payload

169.900 kr.

Smíðuð til þess að bera stórar og miklar flugur með sökklínum eða sökkendum.
Með SAGE PAYLOAD er auðvelt er að taka þungar línur og flugur upp úr vatni og hlaða stöngina strax í næsta kast. Hér er því áhugaverð stöng sem er eins og sérsniðin fyrir Veiðivötn eða í haustveiðina þar sem þarf að koma flugum hratt, langt og djúpt.

68’9”93 g
78’9”102 g
88’9”106 g
98’9”114 g
119’3”126 g

Greiðsluleiðir í boði:

  • Kort eða Aukakrónur Kort eða Aukakrónur
  • Netgíró Netgíró
  • Síminn Pay Léttkaup Síminn Pay Léttkaup
  • Veiðihornið netgjafabréf Veiðihornið netgjafabréf
  • Aur appið Aur appið
Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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  • Þessi vara er væntanleg í nýja netverslun Veiðihornsins. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar hjá okkur í síma 568 8410.
SKU: 3020 Categories: , , Tag:

Big fish, big fly. While not always the case, this rule does ring true for many warmwater and saltwater fisheries with anglers casting larger flies than ever before. With a powerful but comfortable casting action, the new PAYLOAD series of rods are designed to help anglers cast those heavy lines and big flies more effectively. Whether launching a double-articulated streamer to the far bank with the 689-4 or dredging the Sacramento Delta with the 989-4, anglers will notice how easy it is to hurl a heavy line and big fly with the PAYLOAD.

  • Konnetic Technology
  • Tannin blank color
  • Burgundy primary thread wraps with Bronze trim wraps
  • Tangle-Free Fuji ceramic stripper guides
  • Oversized chromed snake guides and tip-top
  • Heavy duty aluminum up-locking reel seat
  • Super Plus full-wells cork handle
  • Cork composite fighting butt with extended 3″ rear grip on the 10+ and 11_ sizes
  • Black ballistic rod tube with embroidered Sage logo

Developed for when the largest of flies are on the menu. Whether you’re popping for panfish with the 689-4, pitching big divers for largemouth with the 889-4, or chucking a small beaver for Musky with the 1193-4, the easy-loading but powerful blank of the PAYLOAD makes blind-casting even the most obscene of flies all-day a practical activity.


Ultra-powerful, yet easy loading down low, the PAYLOAD allows anglers to cast the largest and most wind-resistant flies all day with minimal fatigue. Paired with an aggressive shooting head style fly line, the PAYLOAD is ready to tackle your heavy-duty work from Smallmouth to Musky.


When probing the depths with big flies and heavy sinking lines is the name of the game, you need a rod that is able to effectively lift that rig out of the water when it’s time to recast. The PAYLOAD’s powerful butt section shines here when it’s time to make that 1000th cast.


Big flies, big fish… right? When this age-old saying rings true, the PAYLOAD’s powerful butt section provides plenty of power for steering big fish through heavy cover and out of snags.


Improved accuracy is a result of smoother tracking and increased line speed and line control… all features of Sage’s revolutionary Konnetic Technology®. Creating an impossibly light blank with enhanced hand-to-fly sensitivity, Konnetic Technology utilizes advanced modulus positioning that places carbon fibers to exacting tolerances. This creates slimmer blank profiles with unparalleled strength and efficient energy transfer throughout the shaft. Konnetic Technology’s highly responsive and robust blanks feel connected, offering significantly enhanced torsional stability and minimal vibration for casts that track effortlessly and accurately.