Sage Trout Spey G5

109.900 kr.

Fislétt og snörp tvíhenda hönnuð til silungsveiða í stærri ám og vötnum.

Krafturinn í neðri hluta SAGE TROUT SPEY og næmnin í toppnum auðvelda veiðimanni að kasta jafnt litlum þurrflugum sem stórum straumflugum. TROUT SPEY vinnur vel með Scandi og Skagit línum.

SAGE TROUT SPEY er afar vönduð og falleg stöng í fjórum hlutum. Sterkur álhólkur með skrúfuðu loki fylgir.


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SKU: 2053-TROUT-SPEY-G5 Flokkar: , , Tag:


The TROUT SPEY G5 is built to cover the range of spey applications on your favorite piece of trout water. Whether you’re swinging soft hackles on floating lines during late evening hatches or throwing streamers on Skagit heads when the weather cools and there are fewer insects around, the high-performance blank and trout spey-specific action of the G5 will do the job with ease—no back cast or double-haul required. Just lift, set, and fire, and let the TROUT SPEY G5 do its thing. Finding new solutions to old problems has never been more fun.




·       GENERATION 5 Technology

·       Brown blank color

·       Desert Olive thread wraps

·       Fuji ceramic stripper guides; Hard chromed snake guides and tip-top

·       Gloss Black anodized aluminum down-locking reel seat

·       Custom shaped fore and rear grip cork handle

·       Rugged brown nylon rod tube with divided liner



The down-and-across presentation is an incredibly effective way to target trout, and there’s no more efficient way to fish that technique than with a two-handed rod. Designed with a full-sized-spey rod feel and action, slimmed down to an appropriate size for your favorite trout water, the TROUT SPEY G5 is ready to change your swing game whether you’re throwing small soft hackles or big streamers.


With the “Spey Craze” in full “swing”, the recent advancement in Spey lines has called for an upgrade in two-handed rod performance. The TROUT SPEY G5 follows suit and is designed to handle all of today’s modern Skagit & Scandi heads, and appropriate sinking tips and leaders.


Throwing streamers all day with a single-hand rod can be particularly fatiguing on the shoulder. The TROUT SPEY G5 eliminates this fatigue completely when paired with an appropriate Skagit head and two-handed cast. Streamer water that once tuckered you out is now one of your favorite playgrounds.


Enhanced blank construction featuring a proprietary graphite hoop combined with minimal glass scrim. The result is a lighter, more responsive and livelier rod blank with a narrower shaft. The lightness and responsiveness of Generation 5 technology lets you feel the line load for optimized casting control, and enables us to continue designing new rod applications that are leaders in their class


At Sage, craftsmanship is our people. We’re not a big faceless factory, but rather a workplace of craftspeople who design and build the world’s best fly rods and reels using our hands and hearts. We do it by sharing ideas and always asking the next question to find what can be done to make this better. Our rods are built one at time right here on Bainbridge Island, WA, following hundreds of meticulous steps and passing through 23 sets of hands. Our reels are also designed right here, and then precision-crafted with exclusive USA carbon to tolerance only Sage can deliver. We’re out there fishing the same places in the same unforgiving conditions that you are. Craftsmanship is applied experience. Lifetimes of it.