Sage X Spey/Switch

Original price was: 219.900 kr. – 229.900 kr..Current price is: 109.950 kr. – 114.950 kr..

Margverðlaunuð tímamóta flugustöng

Sage X – Hin fullkomna flugustöng að margra mati.  X er fyrsta stöngin sem gerð er með Konnetic HD tækninni.  Létt, hröð, kröftug og einstaklega nákvæm flugustöng sem sló strax í gegn þegar hún var kynnt til sögunnar.

Hvort sem flugan er stór og þung eða lítil og létt nærðu að punktkasta með Sage X, jafnvel á lengstu færum.

Einstaklega falleg stöng í djúpum svörtum lit.  Sterkur álhólkur með skrúfuðu loki.  Sage X er handgerð á Bainbridge eyju fyrir utan Seattle í Bandaríkjunum.

Líklega vinsælasta flugustöngin undanfarin ár.

611’0”140 gSwitch
711’0”150 gSwitch
811’0”157 gSwitch
612’0”159 gTvíhendur
712’0”166 gTvíhendur
812’0”175 gTvíhendur
813’0”189 gTvíhendur
914’0”224 gTvíhendur
1015’0”248 gTvíhendur


Greiðsluleiðir í boði:

  • Kort eða Aukakrónur Kort eða Aukakrónur
  • Netgíró Netgíró
  • Síminn Pay Léttkaup Síminn Pay Léttkaup
  • Veiðihornið netgjafabréf Veiðihornið netgjafabréf
  • Aur appið Aur appið
Síminn Pay Léttkaup
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The Two-Handed X rods let you experience the remarkable benefits of KonneticHD Technology through access to the more powerful lower sections of the rod, allowing for easier and more efficient load carry through the casting stroke. The shaft’s significantly enhanced recovery and crisper tip stop optimize line speed to deliver long, smooth casts.

  • KonneticHD Technology
  • Black Spruce blank color
  • Dark Green primary thread wraps with Metallic Grey trim wraps
  • Fuji ceramic stripper guides
  • Hard chromed snake guides and tip-top
  • Stealth Black anodized aluminum down-locking reel seat
  • Laser etched Sage logo on slide band
  • Super Plus fore grip and rear grip
  • Black rod bag with Titanium logo and Black Spruce model tag
  • Evergreen powder coated aluminum rod tube with Sage Medallion


Scandi to Skagit, traditionals to intruders, the X SPEY is designed to deliver your favorite swing setup, no matter what it may be. From half-pounder Steelhead with the 5120-4 to huge Atlantic Salmon with the 10150-4, the X SPEY has the right tool to handle your favorite swing water, however you want to tackle it.



Skagit to Scandi heads, floating to T-20 tips, the fast action of the X is built to cover a wide range of grains, accommodating just about any setup within a rod weights application. Perfect for multiple passes through runs with a variety of different line/tip combinations, helping you cover the entire water column with ease.


The Two-Handed X rods let you experience the remarkable benefits of KonneticHD Technology through access to the more powerful lower sections of the rod, allowing for easier and more efficient load carry throughout the casting stroke. The shaft’s significantly enhanced recovery and crisper tip stop optimize line speed to deliver long, smooth casts.



KonneticHD Technology is the next era in performance graphite rods. Optimizing our graphite-to-resin ratio, we have created a higher density (HD) fiber composite, resulting in lighter, stronger blanks which deliver unmatched recovery, energy transfer, and line/loop control. Building upon proprietary construction techniques developed for Konnetic Technology, KonneticHD gives us an elevated platform to achieve new levels in rod design.