TFO LK Legacy TH

69.995 kr.

Nýja LK LEGACY er hröð stöng og snörp sem ræður vel við að lyfta langri línu og þungri úr vatni til þess að hlaða í nýtt kast.

TFO LK LEGACY er í fjórum hlutum og fylgir henni nælon klæddur hólkur með renndu loki.

711’6”199 g
713’0”226 g

210 g
238 g


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Fast Action | Freshwater

The LK Legacy TH series was designed for intermediate to advanced anglers seeking faster blanks that deliver more efficient line movement and more recovery crispness. These rods can pick up longer, heavier fly lines and tips with minimal effort and a unique touch-and-go feel. The five rod LK Legacy TH series features the 6-weight for trout spey or overhead casting off the beach and longer 8-weight rods for steelhead and salmon.

The LK Legacy TH series is constructed with high modulus carbon fiber material and finished in a matte grey color tipped with hunter green thread wraps. Componentry includes up-locking, anodized cut-out reel seats with braided carbon fiber inserts. All rods feature black frame stainless steel stripping guides and anodized, double-foot, stainless steel snake guides. LK Legacy TH rods are finished with a thinly tapered, composite cork handle for more ergonomic handling and durability in the foulest fishing conditions. All models feature both grain window and gram weighting for easy line pairings, as well as alignment dots color coded by line weight. LK Legacy TH rods are packaged in a labeled rod sock and a TFO rod tube.

The LK Legacy TH series is uncompromising in performance and quality when compared to any other rod on the market. Add TFO’s no-fault lifetime warranty against defects and they are clearly a benchmark by which to judge all advanced two-handed rods regardless of price. Fish the Original TM