The Gun Butler™ offers a convenient all-in-one solution to all your
cleaning/carrying/storage needs. Two removable non-marring forks (which
snap into the base for easy storage) hold the gun securely in place,
while thoughtfully-planned compartments and slots hold bore solvent,
jags, brushes, mops, a cleaning rod, spray lubricant and tools. The Gun
Butler contains everything a shooter needs to clean a firearm -all with a
convenient carrying handle for easy transport.
Tipton Gun Butler
Original price was: 9.995 kr..7.996 kr.Current price is: 7.996 kr..
Tipton Gun Butler
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Geymsluhólf fyrir hreinsivörur og smáverkfæri.
Auðvelt að fella saman til geymslu.
Stamt gúmmí undir standinum sem kemur í veg fyrir að hann renni til.