Sage Foundation Einhendupakki

139.900 kr.

Sage Foundation Outfit.

Sage Foundation stöngin er 9 feta nokkuð hröð og kröftug stöng í fjórum hlutum. Hólkur fylgir. Lífstíðarábyrgð frá framleiðanda.
Sage Foundation er bandarísk stöng, handgerð á Bainbridge eyju, utan við Seattle.

Að okkar mati er Sage Foundation besta byrjenda stöng sem komið hefur frá Sage í áratugi.

Sage Foundation ræður vel við köst í vindi en ekki of stíf svo hún fyrirgefur ófullkominn kaststíl byrjandans.

Auk Sage Foundation er í þessum pakka Sage „large arbour“ fluguhjól með góðum bremsubúnaði, flotlína, undirlína og taumur frá Rio.


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  • Kort eða Aukakrónur Kort eða Aukakrónur
  • Netgíró Netgíró
  • Síminn Pay Léttkaup Síminn Pay Léttkaup
  • Veiðihornið netgjafabréf Veiðihornið netgjafabréf
  • Aur appið Aur appið
Síminn Pay Léttkaup
(m.v. mán)


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  • Þessi vara er væntanleg í nýja netverslun Veiðihornsins. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar hjá okkur í síma 568 8410.
SKU: 8345 Category: Tag:


Equipped with a high-performance blank (Graphite IIIe), the FOUNDATION has a fast action providing excellent casting power and effortless control. It’s the very foundation of what defines a Sage rod – Performance – taking your game to another level. Whether you are a guide on the Madison or exploring your backyard waters, the FOUNDATION series delivers the signature Sage feel. For over 35 years we’ve built performance rods one at a time on Bainbridge Island, WA. The same 27 sets of skilled hands that craft all Sage rods construct the FOUNDATION.

  • Graphite IIIe Technology
  • Stealth Black blank color
  • Black primary thread wraps with Silver trim wraps
  • Ceramic stripper guides; Hard chromed snake guides and tip-top
  • Rugged black nylon rod tube with divided liner
  • 4WT – 6WT
  • Black anodized aluminum up-locking reel seat
  • Snub-nose cork handle
  • 6WT – 9WT
  • Black anodized aluminum up-locking reel seat
  • Snub-nose cork handle with fighting butt


From trout on your local stream with the 490-4 to Silver Salmon in Alaska with the 890-4, the FOUNDATION series has the right model to get you on the water.



A fast action provides the capability to stay tight to the line and in control of the presentation, while the high line speed drives a tight loop that assists in laser accuracy in technical dry fly situations. With a sensitive tip section to protect light tippets, a versatile balance between accuracy and delicacy is achieved.


A powerful butt section easily lifts fish from their lie and gives great turnover capabilities for multi-nymph rigs. With a sensitive tip section to protect light tippets, a versatile balance between lifting power and delicacy provides perfect synergy for nymph fishing.


A powerful butt section easily throws a wide range of streamers and accommodates effective sinking tip lines. In addition, it provides the ability to quickly pull aggressive fish out of structure for increased landing success.



Graphite IIIe Technology brings power and durability resulting in a more connected feel throughout the casting stroke, making longer and more accurate casts possible. Constructed using glass scrims within layers of graphite, Graphite IIIe rods are noted for their light weight, dependability, and smooth feel.