A multicard selection in an amazing range of suede chenille hot spot and
fluoroescent colors ideal for stillwaters and rivers. Suede Chenille
Mixed Pack Steelhead Collection is an ultra fine suede chenille which is
perfect for bug and lure bodies for a mix of flies. Some people use it
as an alternative material for squirmy wormies too. You can rely on
Suede Chenille Mixed Pack Steelhead Collection as a quality material
that has been professionally dyed and prepared. If you singe the ends of
the Suede Chenille Mixed Pack Steelhead Collection when creating
detached bodies to create that tapered body effect.
Semperfli Suede Chenille Multicard Steelhead
1.045 kr.
Semperfli Suede Chenille Multicard Steelhead
Suede Chenille er feykivinsælt búkefni í flugugerð. Margir nota Chenille einnig í ormaflugur á borð við Squirmy. Vel valdir, vinsælir blandaðir litir á spjaldi.