Mackenzie Graphene FX1 Atlas

94.950 kr.

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Mackenzie Graphene FX1 Atlas

Djúp og kraftmikil vinnsla einkennir þessa stöng. MACKENZIE ATLAS tvíhendurnar eru 6 hluta stangir, tilvaldar í ferðalög.  Hólkur fylgir.


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  • Þessi vara er væntanleg í nýja netverslun Veiðihornsins. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar hjá okkur í síma 568 8410.

Our 6 piece Atlas range is the ideal fly rod for travelling. It’s compact nature means the rod can be taken on a flight as hand luggage.

In response to the many requests from our clients around the world, the Mackenzie DTX design team have created these new high performance 6 piece fly rods, based on our very successful DTX-G2 range. As with all Mackenzie products these new rods have been fully tested in some of the world’s most demanding and challenging fishing locations and they excelled at all times.

  • 6 piece for easy transportation
  • Uniquely designed taper and action, designed for accurate casting
  • Easy to conceal for added security
  • New technology and innovations in materials allows perfect performance
  • Lightweight high modulus carbon gives top performance when casting
  • Ergonomically enhanced double handle for perfect grip
  • Quality stripper guides and snake eyes
  • Protective triangular shaped rod tube
  • Quality double nut, down locking reel seat
  • Beautiful storm grey colour of blank

Atlas 12’7ft

– Section length 69.5cm
– Tube length 75cm
– Line weights:

Atlas 13’7ft

– Section length 75cm
– Tube length 81cm
– Line weights: 

Atlas 14’9ft

– Section length 81cm
– Tube length 87.5cm
– Line weight –