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Fiocchi 243 win 100gr. Soft Point
Remington Viper
Bioammo Blue 32gr. #3
CCI 9mm Luger haglaskot
Remington Core-Lokt 6mm Creedmoor 100gr.
Remington Premier AccuTip
Remington Light Magnum
Barnes Vor-Tx 7mm Rem Mag 150gr. TTSX BT
Fiocchi 243 Win EPN 95gr.
Barnes Vor-Tx 30-06 SPRG 180gr. TTSX BT
Barnes Vor-Tx 22-250 Rem 50gr. TSX FB
Fiocchi 38 Special FMJ 110gr. 50 stk.
Sellier & Bellot Fortuna 36 gr.
Remington Premier Rimfire 22 WMR
Federal 223 Rem 55gr. Sierra Gameking HP
Rio Magnum – 3″ 50gr.
Remington Shurshot Field Load
Barnes Vor-Tx 270 Win 130gr. TTSX BT
S&B 223 Rem 55gr. SP
Barnes Vor-Tx 7×64 140gr. TTSX BT
S&B 308 Win 180gr. Nosler Partition
S&B 270 Win 150gr. Soft Point
CCI 22 Mag haglaskot
Diabolo Exact
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