Rio Elite Gold

21.995 kr.

Mjög góð alhliða flotlína sem auðvelt er að kasta með jafnt stutt sem langt. Gold er ekki eins agressíf og Grand línan og hentar því betur miðhröðum stöngum. Líkt og flestar Rio línur er Gold marglit sem hjálpar til að meta hve langt er úti þegar lyfta þarf línunni og hlaða í nýtt kast. Frábær flotlína með teygjulausum kjarna.


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  • Þessi vara er væntanleg í nýja netverslun Veiðihornsins. Fáðu frekari upplýsingar hjá okkur í síma 568 8410.
SKU: 6-1926 Flokkar: , , Tag:

The Elite RIO Gold has a taper design that gives incredible loop stability at distance and a front taper that delivers perfect presentation of flies between sizes #2 and #22. With a long head and back taper this line is an excellent all around fly line on rivers and lakes when long casts and complete line control are required.

This line is built with RIO’s low-stretch ConnectCore Plus, resulting in exceptionally smooth, durable fly lines, with the added benefits of incredible levels of sensitivity when casting and fishing, and providing enhanced detection of takes, faster hook sets, and far greater control when playing a fish. In addition, this line is built with SlickCast, RIO’s proprietary coating technology, creating the slickest, most durable fly lines on the market. Lab tests show that lines built with SlickCast have the least amount of friction ever measured in a fly line.

The RIO Gold is the ultimate all round, floating line for the trout fly fisher.




Our next-generation, low-stretch core provides a radical increase in line durability, smoothness and performance. The highest-performing, longest-lasting freshwater lines in the world are built around ConnectCore Plus.


SlickCast creates the slickest, most durable coating on the market – producing the least amount of friction ever measured on a fly line.


MaxFloat Tip technology is a high float coating that floats more than twice as high as regular fly line tips, without any increase in diameter